Friday, August 6, 2010

Thinking ahead

Since seeing Toy Store 3 at the beach, Nugget has been all about Buzz. When he jumps off the diving board at the pool, he stands at the end, presses his nipples (to activate his wings) and say, "To in-bin-ity. And DEYOND!" Then he jumps.

So when magazines started arriving a few weeks ago with Halloween costumes in them (hello! We were still in July!), the kids started discussing what they were going to be. Strip is wavering between Dorothy (who she was supposed to be a couple of years ago) and Jasmine. I would have put money on Nugget wanting to be Buzz, but he's been saying Batman.

Last night, he wore his batman pjs, so this morning we had this conversation.

Me: So what do you want to be for halloween?
Nugget: Batman!
Me: You don't even know who batman is!
Nugget: Yes e do. Batman Spiderman.
Me: Ok, who do you want to be? Batman or Spiderman? They are different people.
Nugget. Batman.
Me: Ok, who is Batman?
Nugget: I am.

Guess that settles it. Wonder if I can find a Robin costume for Zoe.

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