Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thank YOU, HomeGoods.

When PaPa and Ma were here, the girls (and Nugget) made a run to my favorite place, HomeGoods.  After browsing (and for Nugget, eating) around the store, Ma was checking out with a cutie new cupcake server that doubles as a votive holder that looks like a spider web.  The kind lady behind the counter asked if we wanted to donate a dollar to help beat cancer.  Ma handed Strip a dollar, Strip handed the dollar to the lady and the lady handed Strip a yellow and red donation house so she could write her name on the line.

The problem with this is that my child is an elephant and never forgets, so when the nice lady said, "And we're gonna hang this up and you can see it next time you're in here!" I knew we were in trouble.  Sure enough, last weekend, we were shoe shopping and ended up at HomeGoods (I know they don't sell shoes, but like I said, I love it there!).  As we were on our way out, Strip noticed a large poster behind the counter with the little house papers on it.

"Oh Mommy!  Let's look for my name!" 

2 issues.  #1, they gave her the tiniest point pen to write her name on the line (why did they not have a bright pink sharpie?!) and #2, this is what the posters looked like:

but front and back.  Times 8.  We finally found her name on the very last poster as we were walking out the door.  So much for a quick trip into HomeGoods!

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