'Cause we got friends in high places!
Happy New Year! PaPa and UP hit the road the day after Christmas, but Ma stayed here to hang with the kids. Hubs and I drove down to Atlanta for his cousin's wedding. Most people said, "Oh, a wedding on New Years? That kinda sucks." But we were stoked because we knew it was going to be an AWESOME weekend. Smack in the middle of downtown Atlanta with the top of the building all to ourselves, we were ready to party and celebrate with the Fam.
There were some other friends in *high* places there as well because the Panic weekend patrons were also staying on our floor. It was fun sharing the elevator in a Badgley Mischka dress and super tall shoes with a girl who had no shoes, no bra and dreads. Clearly we were not going to the same event.
Anyway, the wedding was beautiful, the party was great and at midnight, we all went up the the helipad to toast midnight. Let me tell you, Security was not pleased that we were up there. And when you think about it, a helipad is NOT the safest place for New Year's party-ers to be. Unlike the top of the Eiffel Tower or the Empire State Building, helipads have no guard rails, obviously because that would make it a little difficult for the helicopters to land. So instead of a large fence or barrier, we had this:
We had such a good time hanging out with the family, especially the cousins who we don't get to see much. We all ended up in the Honeymoon suite hanging with the happy couple, then we all made it back to our rooms. Hubs and I got into a "heated discussion" for lack of a better term that was REALLY something that needed to happen, but I hope it doesn't turn into a New Years tradition. We hugged everyone goodbye on Saturday and had a nice, leisurely drive back. I've got to say, a 9 hour drive feel a lot shorter when I'm not constantly turned around to pick up a car, open a snack, hand back a juice box or stop every hour and a half for a pit stop.
And now it's back to reality (and laundry, and cooking, and scrubbing toilets...). Wouldn't have it any other way!
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