Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tomorrow's the big day

**not my arm, yet**

I'm going back to the allergist to see what I'm allergic to and what landed me in the ER a couple of weeks ago.  Here's a list of things I'm hoping to be allergic to:
  • vacuuming 
  • emptying the dishwasher
  • putting away laundry
  • dropping off Hub's dry cleaning 
Some food things that would be "nice" to be allergic to:
  • ice cream
  • M&M's
  • mocha's
  • bread
  • icing
  • cakeballs
  • gingerbread men
What I'm more than likely allergic to?  Eggs and chicken.  If not, then my suspicions will be proven correct and Hubs was trying to kill me.  Speaking of, we watched Match Point last night and that has to rank up there as one of the WORST movies ever.  Ever.  The good things about it were that it had my man from Tudors in it and we got it from the library, so if we manage to get it back before it's due, it will be free.


Lianne said...

Eeek. Welcome to the world of pincushions. Been there, done that. Good luck! Maybe you can be allergic to ESPN Sportscenter and scrubbing toilets, too. :)

mommychick said...

I don't mind sportscenter :-) And how geeky is it that I'm actually excited about my allergy tests?! I'm kinda looking forward to seeing the advances in medicine since the list time I got poked. Woo hoo! Happy Wednesday to me!

Lianne said...

Do they still actually do the skin test? I thought that the immunocap blood test was more accurate... I found out I'm allergic to wheat, pine trees, and grass. So, suffice it to say, I still eat sandwiches under pine tress while sitting in the grass. Can't help myself.